The DEC Life Nights

Improvisational activity in which participants must deliver a presentation based on a set of slides that they have never seen before!
Powerpoint Karaoke
Games Night
Join us for our game night. We have plenty of games Poker, Taboo, Dixit, Timeline, Bohnanza...), but feel free to bring your own too!

CinePhil Mind
This experimental group reunites researchers from the DEC around a film fitting the annual theme. The screening takes place in Seminar room in Pavillon Jardin, and is followed by a lively discussion co-chaired by Enrico Terrone and Aïda Elamrani-Raoult to learn more about aesthetics and philosophy of fiction, as well as their relationship to philosophy of mind.
The theme explored this academic year is the concept of multiple playing: when same actor undertakes different roles within the same movie.

Like always, we are open to suggestions, so if you want to propose a new kind of DEC Life night, email us >>