The Academic Skills Workshop is organized by Mireille Babineau, Mahiko Konishi, Georgia Loukatou and Margaux Romand-Monnier

9:30am - 3:30pm
Past event
The Academic Skills Workshop aims to provide practical information and advice for early career researchers and students about topics that aren't typically formally taught or discussed.
The day will consist of a series of short talks, with topics ranging from how to prepare yourself now for future grant and job applications, to how to network and set up successful collaborations. The day will end with a general panel session, where our speakers and audience will be able to ask and discuss any questions they may have about academia. By the end of the day, we hope that our attendees will have a better idea of what they need to be doing (outside of research and publishing) to ensure their future academic (or industry!) success.

Room Langevin
ENS (29 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris)
9:30 What to do now to be ready for your post-doc grant proposals [slides]
Mireille Babineau & Axelle Calcus
10:00 Tips for the first time grant proposals (ANR, ERC, etc.) [ANR JCJC slides] [ERC slides]
Ewan Dunbar & Valentin Wyart
10:30 How grants and CVs are evaluated & the US academic job market [slides_grants] [slides_jobmarket]
Franck Ramus & Salvador Mascarenhas
11:00 How to network and set up successful collaborations [slides_network] [slides_collaboration]
Alex Cristia & Stefano Palminteri
11:30 Preparing for a career out of academia [slides]
Tristan Thommen & Gabriel Sulem
12:30 Lunch break (Espace Curie)
13:15 How to get organized, manage projects and be efficient in academia [slides]
Sho Tsuji & Axelle Calcus
13:45 Open Science practices [slides]
Georgia Loukatou & Naomi Havron
14:30 General discussion/panel session